Hi. Welcome

to the School
of Astrology
in my vision

Having been perfecting the technique since 2020, I am finally ready to pitch it to the world.

Normally, no place else will you find the correct technique and its subsequent correct results. In the world of Astrology everybody is just doing whatever they feel like doing. Mostly no one coming to terms with the fact that all of it has been wrong all along. Marking the beginning and the ending of an era for human knowledge and general world-view of the masses. By presenting the correct technique to practice Astrology, hopefully changing everything. Starting with you.

Time to que some climactic music!


  1. Time input variable
  2. 322th harmonic
  3. Usha-Shashi ayanamsa
  4. Saturn return
  5. Test it yourself


Time Input Variable

It’s been assumed that the variable of time is important in order to determine an accurate astrological chart but that is actually not the case. At least not in the normal day-to-day use case of it.

Instead, the only two possible inputs for the variable of time are noon; for a living, breathing person, or midnight; for an organization or event. Keep in mind, changing the time zone (through changing the location) will alter the Universal Time of the astrological chart.

With the understanding of technique step number 2 it will become more clear why this crude adaptation is the case.



322th Harmonic

There are a lot of different techniques available for the purpose of altering the perceived positions of the objects (planets, asteroids, and calculated points) on the astrological charts (or said differently: against the backdrop of the Zodiac). But I’ve settled on one which apparently nobody else bothered to investigate. Except then for a famous secret society from Yale University called Skull and Bones, which I got it from. Don’t worry, I did not have to join their ranks to get it – because it is hidden in plain sight on their emblem.

This technique repositions all the objects in accordance with the number 322. Thus, inside of the normal Zodiac (1st harmonic), there should come 322 little, imagined Zodiac’s. Then, the objects located in the new positions on the little Zodiac’s should be overlapped again, gaining the newly created 322th harmonic astrological chart.

This does not diminish the validity of the 1st harmonic chart from “the equation of gaining an understanding.” Step one however, (the exchange of the variable of time for solely noon or midnight) is to be applied to both the 1st, and the 322th Harmonic chart.

Scroll down to step three to almost completely get it.



Usha-Shashi Ayanamsa

There are – just as well – a lot of ayanamsas to choose from. The word itself can be translated as “moving component,” pertaining to the Zodiac itself. When looking at the literal (astronomical) night sky we can make out the constellations made from the fixed stars, but these are not perfectly 30° each, thus there has been a discrepancy surrounding this issue. Where begins each sign?

The West has made up a new system that moves in accordance with the seasons and the precession of the equinox, effectively nullifying the astrological Ages. This is called the Tropical Zodiac and is different from all the other ones which are called Sidereal; meaning “fixed to the stars”. The modern government of India has chosen one specific out of the bunch called Lahiri which became the dominantly used Sidereal ayanamsa.

Both are wrong. The correct one, it seems, is called the Usha-Shashi ayanamsa. This one was named after the team of Indian authors solidifying it: Usha and Shashi. This one places the middle of the Mula-nakshatra (Mula meaning: root, origin) on the galactic center almost perfectly. Evidently, the ancients of India felt our solar system comes from there.

Taking due diligence with the ethics involved; enjoy the results. Having an understanding of an all-encompassing force should be accompanied by integrity and wisdom.



Saturn Return

Approximately every 29.5 years Saturn (the planet of structure and time) revolves one time around the Zodiac which determines the new chart (for the next 29.5 years) for the individual in question. Only applicable to actual people (noon chart).



Test it yourself

link: Astro-seek.com (322th harmonic and Usha-Shashi ayanamsa)